VMware Horizon View Guest Error - SvmException occured The volume is not mounted

Symptom(s): The VMware Horizon View Administration console shows a VM stuck on the "customizing" state and the VMware View Composer Guest Agent Server service stops when trying to start it on the deployed VM.  Additionally, inside of the c:\windows\temp\viewcomposer-ga.log file you see the stack trace in red below.

For reference, at the time of writing this article, I was running I was running 5.3.0 build-1427647 of the View Composer Guest Agent on a Windows 7 SP1 x64 VM.

[01/28/14 14:53:05] Status: (svmGa:195) Got kernel32 dll handle.
[01/28/14 14:53:05] Status: (svmGa:206) Obtained func for enabling process DEP.
[01/28/14 14:53:05] Status: (svmGa:212) Enabled process DEP.
[01/28/14 14:53:05] Status: (svmGa:419) VMware View Composer Guest Agent service started 5.3.0 build-1427647
[01/28/14 14:53:06] Status: (svmGa:439) SvmException occured
[01/28/14 14:53:06] Error: (svmGa:444) SvmException occured The volume is not mounted: 
----Backtrace using dbghelp.dll----
Module path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\VMware\View Composer Guest Agent\vmware-svi-ga.exe
Module directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\VMware\View Composer Guest Agent\
backtrace[00] ebp 0x0117ee4c eip 0x0046304e params 0x0117ef74 0x00c50b28 0x0117ef4c 0x0117f200 [C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\VMware\View Composer Guest Agent\vmware-svi-ga.exe base 0x00400000 0x0001:0x0006204e] (no symbol information)
backtrace[01] ebp 0x0117ee6c eip 0x0040924e params 0x0117efd4 0x0117f394 0x00c50b28 0x00c50b44 [C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\VMware\View Composer Guest Agent\vmware-svi-ga.exe base 0x00400000 0x0001:0x0000824e] (no symbol information)
backtrace[02] ebp 0x0117f20c eip 0x00433bf2 params 0x0117f34c 0x002b7cf8 0x00c50b28 0x00000002 [C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\VMware\View Composer Guest Agent\vmware-svi-ga.exe base 0x00400000 0x0001:0x00032bf2] (no symbol information)
backtrace[03] ebp 0x0117f37c eip 0x004341f0 params 0x00c50b70 0x0117f394 0x0065e6d0 0x00000012 [C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\VMware\View Composer Guest Agent\vmware-svi-ga.exe base 0x00400000 0x0001:0x000331f0] (no symbol information)
backtrace[04] ebp 0x0117f3e0 eip 0x00417c53 params 0x0117fa48 0x7c3a1ce3 0x00c50e78 0x0065e6d0 [C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\VMware\View Composer Guest Agent\vmware-svi-ga.exe base 0x00400000 0x0001:0x00016c53] (no symbol information)
backtrace[05] ebp 0x0117faf0 eip 0x00419be5 params 0x0117fd98 0x00000001 0x0117fe38 0x004c1914 [C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\VMware\View Composer Guest Agent\vmware-svi-ga.exe base 0x00400000 0x0001:0x00018be5] (no symbol information)
backtrace[06] ebp 0x0117fe10 eip 0x0041b139 params 0x00400000 0x00000010 0x00000002 0x00000085 [C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\VMware\View Composer Guest Agent\vmware-svi-ga.exe base 0x00400000 0x0001:0x0001a139] (no symbol information)
backtrace[07] ebp 0x0117ff24 eip 0x00401e23 params 0000000000 0x002af6e0 0x002af6e0 0000000000 [C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\VMware\View Composer Guest Agent\vmware-svi-ga.exe base 0x00400000 0x0001:0x00000e23] (no symbol information)
backtrace[08] ebp 0x0117ff74 eip 0x00403e75 params 0x00000001 0x002af6f0 0000000000 0x0117ff94 [C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\VMware\View Composer Guest Agent\vmware-svi-ga.exe base 0x00400000 0x0001:0x00002e75] (no symbol information)
backtrace[09] ebp 0x0117ff88 eip 0x76f575a8 params 0x002af6e0 0x0117ffd4 0x77769f72 0x002af6e0 [C:\Windows\SysWOW64\sechost.dll base 0x76f50000 0x0001:0x000065a8] (I_ScIsSecurityProcess + 0x0269)
backtrace[10] ebp 0x0117ff94 eip 0x7654336a params 0x002af6e0 0x768af8a4 0000000000 0000000000 [C:\Windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll base 0x76530000 0x0001:0x0000336a] (BaseThreadInitThunk + 0x0012)
backtrace[11] ebp 0x0117ffd4 eip 0x77769f72 params 0x76f57587 0x002af6e0 0000000000 0000000000 [C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ntdll.dll base 0x77730000 0x0001:0x00029f72] (RtlInitializeExceptionChain + 0x0063)
backtrace[12] ebp 0x0117ffec eip 0x77769f45 params 0x76f57587 0x002af6e0 0000000000 0000000000 [C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ntdll.dll base 0x77730000 0x0001:0x00029f45] (RtlInitializeExceptionChain + 0x0036)
----End of backtrace----

Troubleshooting: Tried uninstalling all VMware products, and reinstalling the following in the following order: VMware Tools, VMware View Agent, VMware Horizon View Feature Pack.

Additionally, tried applying the appropriate guest customization script provided in the following VMware article: http://www.vmware.com/files/pdf/VMware-View-OptimizationGuideWindows7-EN.pdf

Solution: I called VMware's support line and they have had no reports of this issue, nor an answer for solving this issue.  Unfortunately, the only solution was to recreate the VM from scratch.

Windows 7 - Windows created a temporary paging file on your computer because of a problem that occured with your paging file configuration when you started your computer.

Symptom: Every time you boot your Windows 7 machine or access system settings, you receive the following error:

Windows created a temporary paging file on your computer beause of a problem that occurred with your paging file configuration when you started your computer.  The total paging file size for all disk drives may be somewhat larger than the size you specified.

Windows 7 Error - a problem occured with your paging file configuration

Solution: In this case, the page file had grown too large and corrupted itself.  I was able to resolve the issue by deleting the pagefile.sys file and having Windows recreate it from scratch.  Here are the steps on how to complete this task.

  1. Click Start, right-click Computer, and select Properties
  2. In the left pane, select Advanced system settings
  3. On the Advanced tab, click the Settings button under Performance
  4. On the Advanced tab, click the Change button under Virtual memory
  5. Clear the Automatically manage paging file size for all drives check box and check No paging file
  6. Click Set button next to No paging file
  7. Click OK on all open windows and restart your machine
  8. Open up Windows Explorer
  9. Navigate to the root of your system drive (C:\)
  10. Enable the showing of System Files
    1. On the View menu, click Options
    2. On the View tab, click Show All Files, and then click OK
  11. Delete the pagefile.sys file
  12. Click Start, right-click Computer, and select Properties
  13. In the left pane, select Advanced system settings
  14. On the Advanced tab, click the Settings button under Performance
  15. On the Advanced tab, click the Change button under Virtual memory
  16. Check the Automatically manage paging file size for all drives checkbox and click OK
  17. Restart your machine

Cisco VPN Client on Windows 8 - Secure VPN Connection terminated locally by the Client. Reason 442: Failed to enable Virtual Adapter

Symptom: When trying to use the Cisco VPN client under Windows 8 (and 8.1), you receive the following error.

Secure VPN Connection terminated locally by the Client.
Reason 442: Failed to enable Virtual Adapter.

VPN Client - Reason 442 Failed to enable Virtual Adapter


Solution: This is caused by an incompatible Windows 8 registry key.  You can fix this issue by running the powershell command below as an administrator or manually opening up the registry editor and changing the following value.

For 64 bit versions of Windows, use the registry value of Cisco Systems VPN Adapter for 64-bit Windows
For 32 bit versions of Windows, use the registry value of Cisco Systems VPN Adapter

Option 1: Execute the following powershell command:

Set-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\CVirtA -Name DisplayName -Value 'Cisco Systems VPN Adapter for 64-bit Windows'
PowerShell - Set CVirtA DisplayName - Cisco VPN

Option 2: Navigate to the following key using the registry editor:


Set the DisplayName value to Cisco Systems VPN Adapter for 64-bit Windows
RegEdit - CVirtA - Cisco VPN - DisplayName

Upgrading Network Policy Server from Server 2008 R2 to Server 2012 R2

Synopsis: This tutorial will cover a basic "upgrade" path to go from Server 2008 R2 to Server 2012 R2.  This tutorial assumes you have a single Network Policy Server and you are wishing to reuse the same machine name, IP, and settings.  In environments needing high availability, you will need to complete each of the steps below, adding/removing each server being upgraded from your network load balancer.

In a standalone instance, you will experience some downtime as you will have to retire the old machine and setup a new one.


  1. Login to your Server 2008 R2 NPS server
  2. Open up a command prompt with Administrative Privileges
  3. Execute the following command
    1. netsh nps export filename="c:\users\YOURUSERNAME\Desktop\NPS.xml" exportPSK=YES
      netsh nps export
  4. Copy the NPS.xml file to your local machine
  5. Disjoin the NPS server from the domain
  6. Retire the machine
  7. Recreate a new Server 2012 R2 machine with the same name and IP address
  8. Join the Server 2012 R2 machine to the domain
  9. Open up Server Manager and select Add Roles and Features
    Server 2012 - Manage - Add Roles and Features
  10. Click Next > on the Before You Begin screen
    Add Roles and Features Wizard - Before you begin
  11. Click Next > on the Installation Type screen
    Add Roles and Features Wizard - Select installation type
  12. Click Next > on the Server Selection screen
    Add Roles and Features Wizard - Select destination server
  13. Check Network Policy and Access Services (click Add Features when the screen pops up)
    Add Roles and Features Wizard - Network Policy and Access Services
    Add Roles and Features Wizard - Server Roles - Network Policy and Access Services
  14. Click Next > on the Features screen
    Add Roles and Features Wizard - Default - Network Policy and Access Services
  15. Click Next > on the Network Policy and Access Services screen
    Add Roles and Features Wizard - Network Policy and Access Services Welcome
  16. Check Network Policy Server and click Next >
    Add Roles and Features Wizard - Role Services - Network Policy Server
  17. Click Install
    Add Roles and Features Wizard - Network Policy and Access Services - Confirmation
  18. Click Close once the installation has successfully completed
    Add Roles and Features Wizard - Network Policy and Access Services - Results
  19. Copy over your XML file from the old NPS server to your new Server 2012 R2 NPS server.
  20. Open up an administrative powershell prompt
    Server 2012 - PowerShell - Run as Administrator
  21. Execute the following command
    1. Import-NpsConfiguration -Path c:\users\YOURUSERNAME\Desktop\NPS.xml
      Server 2012 R2 - Powershell - Import-npsconfiguration
  22. Head over to Server Manager and select Tools -> Network Policy Server
    Server Manager - Tools - Network Policy Server
  23. Verify the rules imported (I selected RADIUS Clients and Servers -> RADIUS Clients to see if it imported my WLAN controller)
    Network Policy Server - RADIUS Clients
  24. Connect your machine to your wireless network! 🙂

Office 365 - The phone number you entered has already been registered by someone else.

Symptom: You receive the following error when trying to enable someone for a Unified Messaging mailbox on Office 365 (Office 365 Admin Portal -> Exchange -> User Account -> Enable Unified Messaging -> Browse for UM mailbox policy).

The phone number you entered has already been registered by someone else.
The phone number you entered has already been registered by someone else

Resolution: This was caused by having a duplicate UM Voicemail box number.  You can run the following powershell commands to identify which user has the duplicate number assigned to them.

Set-ExecutionPolicy unrestricted
$Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri https://ps.outlook.com/powershell/ -Credential $LiveCred -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection
Import-PSSession $session
Get-Recipient -ResultSize Unlimited | where{$_.emailaddresses -like "*EUM:*PHONENUMBER*"} | fl displayname,emailaddresses

[Tutorial] Upgrading from ADFS 2.0 (Server 2008 R2) to ADFS 3 (Server 2012 R2)

Scenario: You want to upgrade your ADFS 2.0 or 2.1 farm using WID (Windows Internal Database) from Server 2008 R2 to Server 2012 R2.  In this scenario, I have 2 ADFS servers (one as the primary and a second for failover purposes), and 2 ADFS Proxy servers (for load balancing/failover purposes).

NOTE: Prior to writing this article I had only found limited documentation provided by Microsoft on a proper upgrade path for this.  Since then, it apperas that tools had been included with the Server 2012 installation media which will greatly cutdown on the number of steps needed as well as provide as little downtime as possible.  I would highly recommend giving this article a read before proceeding with my article: http://blogs.technet.com/b/askpfeplat/archive/2014/03/31/how-to-build-your-adfs-lab-part4-upgrading-to-server-2012-r2.aspx

My article should still work, but it is definitely not the most efficient way to do an upgrade as pointed out in the technet article above.  My guide essentially goes over cutting over to a completely new ADFS deployment "an upgrade", side-by-side to your production environment. As pointed out below, you cannot add a Server 2012 R2 machine to a Server 2008 R2 ADFS farm as documented in their earlier help articles.


  1. Login to one of your slave ADFS nodes (secondary server) running Server 2008 R2
  2. Remove the node from your load balancer
  3. Stop the AD FS 2.0 Windows Service
  4. Click Start -> Administrative Tools -> Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager Server 2008 R2 - Start - Administrative Tools - Internet Information Services IIS Manager
  5. Select your server and double click on Server Certificates Internet Information Services IIS Manager - Server Home
  6. Right click on your certificate and select Export... Internet Information Services IIS Manager - Export Certificate
  7. Export the certificate to your desktop, type in a password to protect the exported certificate/private key, and select OK
    Export Certificate Properties
  8. Copy the pfx (exported certificate/private key) to your local machine; we will import this on our new server later.
  9. Disjoin the ADFS machine from the domain
  10. Turn the ADFS machine off and retire it
  11. Create a new Server 2012 R2 machine with the same name and IP as your Server 2008 R2 ADFS machine
  12. While the new ADFS machine is being created, login to one of your ADFS proxy servers
  13. Remove the proxy from your load balancer
  14. Stop the AD FS 2.0 Windows Service
  15. Turn the machine off and retire it
  16. Create a new Server 2012 R2 machine with the same name and IP as your Server 2008 R2 ADFS Proxy machine
  17. While the new ADFS proxy machine is being created, login to your new ADFS Server 2012 R2 machine.
  18. Open up Server Manage and select Manage -> Add Roles and Features Server 2012 - Manage - Add Roles and Features
  19. On the Before You Begin screen, click Next > Add Roles and Features Wizard - Before you begin
  20. Select Role-based or feature-based installation and click Next > Add Roles and Features Wizard - Select installation type
  21. Select your server and click Next > Add Roles and Features Wizard - Select destination server
  22. Check Active Directory Federation Services and click Next > Add Roles and Features Wizard - Server Roles - Active Directory Federation Services
  23. Click Next > on Features Add Roles and Features Wizard - Features - Default
  24. Click Next > on AD FS Add Roles and Features Wizard - AD FS
  25. Click Install Add Roles and Features Wizard - Confirmation - Active Directory Federation Services
  26. Click on the Configure the federation service on this server. link once the installation has completed successfully. Add Roles and Features Wizard - Results - Configure the federation service on this server
  27. Check Create the first federation server in a federation server farm on the Welcome screen for the Active Directory Federation Services Configuration Wizard and then click Next > Active Directory Federation Services Configuration Wizard - Welcome
    1. Please see my notes below on why we did not check Create the first federation server in a federation server farm.
  28. Click Next > on the Connect to AD DS step
  29. Copy the .pfx file we exported from the ADFS server earlier to the new ADFS server
  30. On the Specify Service Properties screen, click on the Import... button Active Directory Federation Services Configuration Wizard - Specify Service Properties - Import
  31. Select your certificate and click Open Select Certificate
  32. Type in the password to the exported certificate and click OK Enter certificate password
  33. Type in a Federation Service Display Name that will be shown to your users when they login to the ADFS service (this can be anything), and click Next > Active Directory Federation Services Configuration Wizard - Specify Service Properties - Federation Service Display Name
  34. On the Specify Service Account screen, click the Select... button Active Directory Federation Services Configuration Wizard - Specify Service Properties - Use an existing domain user account or group Management Service Account
  35. Type in the name of your service account you wish to use for ADFS, click the Check Names button to verify you don't have any typos, and click OK Active Directory Federation Services Configuration Wizard - Specify Service Properties - Select User or Service Account
  36. Type in the password for the ADFS service account and click Next > Active Directory Federation Services Configuration Wizard - Specify Service Properties - Use an existing domain user account or group Management Service Account - Username password
  37. Click Next > on the Specify Configuration Database Active Directory Federation Services Configuration Wizard - Specify Database - Create a database on this server using Windows Internal Database
    1. Note: I choose to continue to use WID, you can switch to SQL if you would like now, however that is outside of the scope of this document.
  38. Click Next > on the Review Options screen Active Directory Federation Services Configuration Wizard - Review Options
  39. Click the Configure button once all the prerequsite checks have passed successfully Active Directory Federation Services Configuration Wizard - Pre-requisite Checks
  40. Click Close once the server has successfully been configured Active Directory Federation Services Configuration Wizard - Results
  41. Open up Internet Explorer on the new ADFS machine and navigate to https://localhost/adfs/ls/IdpInitiatedSignon.aspx to ensure the service is properly running AD FS 3 Test
    1. Note: you should receive an invalid ssl certificate error; that is OK, we will switch the DNS records over once we are ready to transition from our old farm to the new one.
  42. Next, login to your Server 2008 R2 primary ADFS server and recreate the federation trusts on the new Server 2012 R2 primary ADFS server
    1. Start -> Administrative Tools -> AD FS 2.0 Management; select Trust Relationships -> Relying Party Trusts
    2. Recreate all the rules/trusts from your original ADFS server on your new Server 2012 R2 ADFS machine
      1. Note: If you are recreating rules for Office 365, you will need to wait until you switch over our new Server 2012 R2 environment to production.  The reason is when you setup the new ADFS instance, some of the certificates will change causing a certificate mismatch/preventing your users from logging in.  You will need to make sure you follow the following steps when resetting up the Office 365 trust to ensure your users don't receive "Error 80041317": http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2647020/en-us
  43. Login to your new ADFS Proxy server
  44. Import your SSL cerficate from your old ADFS server (from step 8) onto the server's Local Machine certificate store
    1. Right click on Start and select Run
      Server 2012 - Start - Run
    2. Type MMC and click OK
      Server 2012 - Run - mmc
    3. Click File -> Add/Remove Snap-in...
      Server 2012 - mmc - Add Remove Snap-In
    4. Select Certificates and click Add > Add or Remote Snap-ins - Certificates
    5. Select Computer account and click Next > Certificates snap-in - Computer Account
    6. Select Finish Certificates snap-in - Select Computer
    7. Click OK on the Add or Remove Snap-ins screen Add or Remove Snap-ins - Certificates - Local Computer
    8. Expand Certificates (Local Computer), select Personal, and right click, select All Tasks -> Import... Server 2012 - Certificates (Local Computer) - Personal - Import
    9. Click Next on the Certificate Import Wizard Certificate Import Wizard - Welcome
    10. Click the Browse... button Certificate Import Wizard - Browse
    11. Select your certificate and click Open Select Certificate
      1. Note: You may need to click on the dropdown box in the bottom right and select All Files for your pfx file to show up.
    12. Click Next on the File to Import screen Certificate Import Wizard - File to Import
    13. Type in the password to the pfx file, check Mark this key as exportable, and click Next Certificate Import Wizard - Private key protection
    14. Ensure Place all certificates in the following store shows Personal and click Next Certificate Import Wizard - Certificate Store
    15. Click Finish Certificate Import Wizard - Completing the Certificate Import Wizard
    16. Click OK on the Certificate Import Wizard successful dialog boxCertificate Import Wizard - Successful
  45. Edit the hosts file to point your DNS record to your new ADFS server
    1. Open Notepad as an Administrator Server 2012 - Notepad - Administrator
    2. Open the following file: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts Server 2012 - Hosts file
    3. Add in your DNS entry and point to your new ADFS server hosts file - adfs manual entry
    4. Save the file
      1. Note: We will come back to this later and update it to point to our load balancer once we switch over everything.  For now, this lets us test our new deployment while switching things over.
  46. Open up Server Manager
    Server 2012 R2 - Server Manager
  47. Click Manage -> Add Roles and Features
    Server 2012 - Manage - Add Roles and Features
  48. Click Next > on the Before you begin screen Add Roles and Features Wizard - Before you begin
  49. Select Role-based or feature based installation and click Next > Add Roles and Features Wizard - Select installation type
  50. Select your server and click Next > Add Roles and Features Wizard - Select destination server
  51. Check Remote Access on the Server Roles screen Add Roles and Features Wizard - Remote Access
  52. Click Next > on the Features screen Add Roles and Features Wizard - Features - Default
  53. Click Next > on the Remote Access screen
  54. Check Web Application Proxy
  55. ClickAdd Features on the Add Roles and Features Wizard dialog boxAdd Roles and Features Wizard - Web Application Proxy
  56. Click Next > on the Roles Services screen Add Roles and Features Wizard - Role Services - Web Application Proxy
  57. Click Install on the Confirmation screen Add Roles and Features Wizard - Confirmation - Web Application Proxy
  58. Click on the Open the Web Application Proxy Wizard link once the installation succeeds Add Roles and Features Wizard - Confirmation - Web Application Proxy - Open the Web Application Proxy Wizard
  59. Click Next > on the Welcome screen Web Application Proxy Configuration Wizard - Welcome
  60. Type in the FQDN to your ADFS server, the credentials of an account with local admin privileges, and then click Next >Web-Application-Proxy-Configuration-Wizard-Federation-Server
  61. Select your certificate on the AD FS Proxy Certificate screen and click Next >
  62. Click Configure on the Confirmation screen Web Application Proxy Configuration Wizard - Confirmation
  63. Click Close once the Web Application Proxy has been successfully configured.Web-Application-Proxy-Configuration-Wizard-Results
  64. After you click close a new window should open.  On the Remote Access Management Console, select Publish
    1. Note: This step only needs to be done once.  It will replicate to all other proxy servers when you set those up at a later time.
      Remote Access Management Console - Publish
  65. Click Next > on the Welcome screen
    Publish New Application Wizard - Welcome
  66. Select Pass-through and click Next >
    Publish New Application Wizard - Preauthentication
  67. Enter in a name, external URL, and internal URL for your federated server (mine were both the same since I use split-dns).  Click Next >
    Publish New Application Wizard - Publishing Settings
  68. Click Close
    Publish New Application Wizard - Results
  69. Add the new Server 2012 R2 ADFS machine to your load balancer and remove your Server 2008 R2 machine.
  70. Add the new Server 2012 R2 ADFS Proxy machine to your load balancer and remove your Server 2008 R2 proxy machine.
  71. Update the hosts file on your Server 2012 R2 proxy machine to point to your load balanced Server 2012 R2 ADFS environment
  72. Retire your Server 2008 R2 ADFS environment
    1. Disjoin the ADFS proxy server from the domain and recycle the machine
    2. Open up PowerShell as an Administrator
      Elevated Powershell
    3. Execute the following commands:
      1. Add-PsSnapin Microsoft.Adfs.Powershell
        get-adfsproperties certificatesharingcontainer
    4. Stop the service on your Server 2008 R2 ADFS machine running the old ADFS farm
    5. Execute the following command to remove the ADFS Farm info from AD (substituting in the information from the Get-AdfsProperties command):
      1. $delme = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry("LDAP://CN=484e24a8-5726-4186-8e24-825b77920798,CN=ADFS,CN=Microsoft,CN=Program Data,DC=mydomain,DC=local")
        PowerShell DeleteTree
    6. Disjoin the ADFS machine from the domain and recycle the machine
  73. Add a new Server 2012 R2 machine and WAP machine to your new ADFS environment for redudnancy (same steps as above, except in Step 27, you will select Add a federation server to federation server farm

Notes: Here is the upgrade compatibility matrix for upgrading ADFS from a specific version to Server 2012: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj647765.aspx

Why did I not check Add a federation server to a federation server farm on the Welcome screen for the Active Directory Federation Services Configuration Wizard?

The reason behind not checking this is I believe Microsoft has a bug in their discovery tool in adding another machine to a farm running ADFS 3.0.  When adding a Server 2012 R2 machine to a farm with only Server 2008 R2 machines running ADFS 2.0, you will receive the following error:

The primary federation server was contacted successfully, but the configuration data was not valid. Ensure that the primary federation server is running Windows Server 2012 R2 or later. Unable to retrieve configuration from the primary server. The primary federation server was contacted successfully, but the configuration data was not valid. Ensure that the primary federation server is running Windows Server 2012 R2 or later. Prerequisites Check Completed One or more prerequisites failed.  Please fix these issues and click "Rerun prerequisites check" The primary federation server was contacted successfully, but the configuration data was not valid. Ensure that the primary federation server is running Windows Server 2012 R2 or later

Symptom: You receive the following error while setting up the WAP (proxy) server:

An error occurred when attempting to establish a trust relationship with the federation service. Error: Not Found An error occurred when attempting to establish a trust relationship with the federation service Error Not Found

Resolution: Make sure you update the DNS records of your ADFS deployment to point to your new ADFS server.  Both the ADFS proxy and ADFS server must be running the same OS version (in this case, Server 2012 R2).

[Tutorial] Rooting and Installing Cyanogenmod 11 (Android 4.4 KitKat) w/ Google Apps on the Droid RAZR Maxx

Here are my notes on rooting and installing Cyanogenmod 11 (Android 4.4 KitKat) on my Motorola RAZR Maxx.  This guide follows almost the exact same steps as my previous guide found here: http://jackstromberg.com/2013/09/tutorial-rooting-and-installing-cyanogenmod-10-2-w-google-apps-on-the-droid-razr-maxx/

If you followed my previous tutorial and are trying to upgrade to Cyanogenmod 11, follow this guide starting at step 18.  If you receive Error Status 6 when installing new Cyanogenmod version, please see the notes at the bottom of this guide.

By reading this, you are agreeing that I take no responsibility for what you do with your phone, nor will send me angry emails saying I janked your phone.

  1. Enable USB debugging
    1. Settings->Developer Options->Enable Developer options at the top-> (Hit ok on the notification asking for Allow development settings)->Check USB debugging (Click OK on the Allow USB debugging? dialog).
  2. Download a copy of latest build of Cyanogenmod
    1. http://wiki.cyanogenmod.org/w/Spyder_Info
    2. I am going to live on the edge and install a nightly to get to 11.  If you don't want bugs, use a stable version (As of right now (12/21/2013), Cyanogenmod has not officially released a stable version of Cyanogenmod 11 for the Droid RAZR Maxx).
    3. Notes: I found a pretty sweet page that lists the nightly changes to the rom.  If you are curious, you can view the nightly changes here: http://www.cmxlog.com/11/spyder/
  3. Download a copy of Google Apps
    1. http://wiki.cyanogenmod.org/w/Gapps
    2. By default, Cyanogenmod cannot ship with Google Apps due to legality reasons, so these will need to be installed manually.  Without these, you will not have Google Play, Music, Maps, etc.  In this case, grab a copy of gApps for 11.  If you don't have a program to download torrent files, you will need to download the gApps package from the AFH link provided on the cyanogenmod page.
  4. Download a copy of RazrBlade, which we will use to exploit the phone and gain root access:
    1. For Windows: http://cmw.cmfs.me/razrblade/razr_blade_win.zip
    2. For Mac: http://cmw.cmfs.me/razrblade/razr_blade_mac.zip
    3. For Linux: http://cmw.cmfs.me/razrblade/razr_blade_linux.zip
  5. Extract the files of the razr_blade_XXX.zip archive.
  6. If you are running windows, download a copy of the Motorola drivers to connect your phone.
    1. Motorola x86 drivers: http://goo.im/devs/Hashcode/moto_root/Motorola_End_User_Driver_Installation_5.9.0_32bit.msi
      Motorola x64 drivers: http://www.adbtoolkit.com/drivers/applications/motorola/Motorola_End_User_Driver_Installation_5.9.0_64bit.msi
  7. Run through the Motorola driver installation if you are running windows.
  8. Plug your phone in to your machine
  9. Navigate back to the files you extracted, right click Run.bat, run as Administrator
    1. If you are on Linux, execute RootLinux.sh and if you are on Mac OS, execute RootMac.sh
  10. Press any key to continue
    Razr Blade - Phase 1
  11. Once your phone has completed phase one (which ends up with a reboot of the phone), complete the following tasks on your phone
    1. Click Apps->SmartActions->Get Started->Next->Battery Saver->Save->Home button
  12. Press any key to continue with "Phase two"
    Razr Blade - Phase 2

    1. Your phone will reboot again
    2. Phase four will start
    3. Your phone will reboot again
  13. After phase four completes, you should be notified the phone has been rooted.
    1. Phase 3 & 4
      Notes: I received some permission errors the first time I ran through this (as shown in the picture above).  I ended up rebooting the phone, making sure I had the latest version of SmartActions and then reran the batch file.  After that, I was able to successfully get the Superuser program (which we talk about next) to run.
  14. Next, grab a copy of Superuser.apk (included inside the razr_blade zip file) and copy it over to the SD card.
  15. At this time, copy over the cyanogenmod zipped file you downloaded earlier.  Throw it on the root of your SD card.
  16. Copy over the gApps zip file we downloaded earlier and throw that on the root of your SD card as well.
  17. Disconnect the phone from the computer and install the SuperUser application.  Apps->Files->SD Card->Superuser.apk, Install, Open.  If it asks to update, go ahead and allow it to update the binaries.
  18. Next, grab a copy of SafeStrap.  We will use this as the bootstrap to flash your phone to Cyanogenmod as well as provide an easy way to switch between different ROMs.
    1. https://goo.im/devs/Hashcode/spyder/safestrap/Safestrap-Spyder-3.73.apk
  19. Copy the file over to your phone
  20. Apps->Files->SD card->Safestrap-Spyder-3.73.apk->Package installer->Install->Open
  21. Hit Ok when prompted for superuser privileges, and then select Agree.
  22. Once inside the Safestrap application, click Install Recovery.
    1. Once installed, you should see the Recovery State say Installed
  23. Reboot your phone
  24. When you see the Safestrap splash screen, hit the Menu button on your phone.
  25. Once you have hit the Menu button, there will be a brief delay where you screen goes black and then redirects you to one with a couple of big buttons.  Push the button labeled Boot Options.
  26. Push the ROM-Slot-1 button.
  27. Select the size of your data store and then hit Activate.
    1. Note: This is the amount of space in the partition for Cyanogenmod operating system and associated apps. If you plan to only use the one slot, I would set the slot to 3GB. If you are going to be using multiple ROM slots and space was is an issue you might want to lower the allocation.
  28. Once it is done doing its shindig, hit the back button twice to get to the screen that shows Boot Options, Install, Backup, Restore, Mount, Wipe, Advanced, and Reboot.
  29. Push the Install button.
    1. Note, if the Install button is Red, you are going to override your stock ROM.  Make sure that you have activated ROM-Slot-1 before proceeding.
  30. Scroll down and select the Cyanogenmod zip file you copied to the SD card earlier.
  31. Swipe the "Swipe to Confirm Flash" area to begin flashing your phone with Cyanogenmod.
  32. Once done, it should say Successful in blue text.  Hit the Wipe cache/dalvik button.
    1. Swipe the Swipe to Wipe area (lol)
  33. Hit the Back button.
  34. Hit the Reboot System button.
  35. At this point, you should be greeted by the Cyanogenmod welcome screen upon boot.  I opted out of the Cyangenmod account and decided to continue on.
  36. Next, we need to install Google Apps on the phone.  To do this, reboot the phone and press the Menu button when you see the SafeStrap splash screen.
    1. Note: Google Apps are totally optional.  If you want to roll with Stock Cyanogenmod and manually install apps via their APK files for ultra security, that is totally cool.
    2. Note 2: If you receive an error saying "unable to mount '/osh' gapps", simply ignore the error and boot back into Cyanogenmod.  I received this error, but all the Google Apps seemed to have installed just fine.
  37. Hit the Install button.
  38. Select the gApps zip file from your SD card
  39. Swipe the Swipe to Confirm Flash area
  40. Once the apps have been successfully installed, hit the Wipe cache/dalvik button.
  41. Swipe the Swipe to Wipe area
  42. Hit the Back button
  43. Hit the Reboot System button
  44. Once you are greeted by a "Allow Google's location service to collect anonymous location data." prompt, you will know you have successfully installed the Google apps! 😛

That should do it!  Enjoy Cyanogenmod 11! 🙂


If you receive the following error when trying to install the Cyanogenmod 11 package:

Finding update package...
Opening update package...
Installing update...
E: Error in /sdcard-ext/cm-11-2013-12-21-NIGHTLY-spyder.zip (Status 6)
Error flashing zip '/sdcard-ext/cm-11-2013-12-21-NIGHTLY-spyder.zip'

Please make sure you have upgraded to the latest version of SafeStrap.  SafeStrap v3.65 or higher must be installed for Cyanogenmod 11 to properly install.  As a heads up, you will need to open the SafeStrap app and press the Install Recovery button to actually get SafeStrap to upgrade to the latest version.  Simply upgrading the SafeStrap apk file will NOT complete the upgrade.

P.S. Here is the official Cyanogenmod info page for the Motorola Droid RAZR/RAZR MAXX (CDMA)

[Error] Enable-CsUser : Specified SIP domain is not vaild. Specify a valid SIP domain and then try again.

Issue: When trying to enable a new user for Lync, you receive the following error; both within PowerShell and the Web GUI.

Enable-CsUser : Specified SIP domain is not vaild. Specify a valid SIP domain and then try again.
Specified SIP domain is not valid - cscp

When executing: Enable-CsUser -Identity "DOMAIN\Jack.Stromberg.Admin" -RegistrarPool "lyncpool.mydomain.local" -SipAddressType "emailaddress" -SipDomain "mydomain.com"
Specified SIP domain is not valid - lync server management shell

Solution: Most of the time this turns out to be a typo in the -SipDomain parameter or the user's email address set inside of Active Directory.  Once you verify that you do not have any typos in the user's email address/SipDomain parameter, the user should be able to be added successfully.  If neither work, you can specify the SipAddressType to be the user's SamAccountName rather than email address.