Tag Archives: Office 365

Set out of office / autoreply for distribution list for Exchange online

One thing that is a bummer is Exchange online does not support setting an autoreply / out of office message for a distribution list. Usually if you want such functionality, you'd convert the distribution list to a shared mailbox and configure the autoreply or use a 3rd party utility, or potentially come up with some complex transform rule.


One workaround you can apply is to enable out of office / autoreply messages from recipients in the distribution list. By default, Exchange Online will suppress autoreply messages when going to a distribution list, but you can quickly configure the behavior to allow the messages per distribution list.


  1. Install Exchange Online PowerShell module
    • Open PowerShell as an administrator and execute the following command:
      Install-Module exchangeonlinemanagement
  2. Import the module for use
    • Import-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement
  3. Login to Exchange online
  4. Configure the distribution list to allow the out of office / autoreply messages to be returned to the sender / originator.
    Set-DistributionGroup -identity [email protected] -SendOofMessageToOriginatorEnabled $true


Now when someone emails the distribution list, they will receive an out of office / autoreply if configured by an individual member. Note, if multiple members have the autoreply configured, the sender/originator will receive multiple replies.

How to hide users from the GAL in Office 365 synchronized from on-premises

Hiding users from the Global Address List (GAL) is a fairly straight forward when the user is a cloud account. Simply "Hide from address list" from the Exchange Online console or run some quick powershell:

$LiveCred = Get-Credential
$Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri https://ps.outlook.com/powershell/ -Credential $LiveCred -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection
Import-PSSession $Session 
Set-Mailbox -Identity [email protected] -HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled $true

Hiding users from the GAL is fairly straight forward when the user is synchronized from on-premises as well.  Simply edit the attribute of the user object, set msExchHideFromAddressLists  to True, and do a sync.  The problem though is what happens if you don't have the msExchHideFromAddressLists attribute in Active Directory?

Well, you can either extend your Active Directory Schema for Exchange, which is not something that you can easily roll back if something goes wrong and arguably adds a ton of attributes that likely will be never used.  Or, you can simply create a custom sync rule within Azure AD Connect that flows the value from a different attribute.

This article will go over how to sync a custom attribute from on-premises to Azure AD to hide a user from the GAL, without the need of extending your Active Directory schema.  In this case, we are going to use an attribute called msDS-cloudExtensionAttributeX (where X is the number of the attribute that is free/not being used within your directory).  The msDS-cloudExtensionAttribute(s) were introduced in Windows Server 2012 and has 20 different numbers to allow flexibility for these types of scenarios.  Now some customers may gravitate towards using a different attribute like showInAddressBook.  The problem with the showInAddressBook is this attribute is referenced by very old versions of Exchange (which I'm sure people would never be running 😉 ) and is looking for the format of the common name of an object (not what we want).  In this case, easiest way to move forward is to simply use the msDS-cloudExtensionAttributes.

Step 1: Scope in the msDS-cloudExtensionAttribute for Azure AD Connect

Open the Azure AD Connect Synchronization Service

Navigate to the Connectors tab, select your Active Directory (not the domain.onmicrosoft.com entry), and select Properties

In the top right, click on Show All, scroll down and find msDS-CloudExtensionAttribute1 (you can use any of the numbers 1-20, just make sure to check the box you are using), and select OK

Step 2: Create a custom sync rule

Open up the Azure AD Connect Synchronization Rules Editor

Click on the Add new rule button (make sure direction in the top left shows Inbound)

Enter the following for the description:

Name: Hide user from GAL
Description: If msDS-CloudExtensionAttribute1 attribute is set to HideFromGAL, hide from Exchange Online GAL
Connected System: Your Active Directory Domain Name
Connected System Object Type: user
Metaverse Object Type: person
Link Type: Join
Precedence: 50 (this can be any number less than 100.  Just make sure you don't duplicate numbers if you have other custom rules or you'll receive a dead-lock error from SQL Server)

Click Next > on Scoping filter and Join rules, those can remain blank

Enter the following Transformation page, click the Add transformation button, fill out the form with the values below, and then click Add
FlowType: Expression
Target Attribute: msExchHideFromAddressLists



Step 3: Perform an initial sync

Open up Windows PowerShell on the Azure AD Connect Server

Execute the following command: Start-ADSyncSyncCycle -PolicyType Initial

Step 4: Hide a user from Active Directory

Open Active Directory Users and Computers, find the user you want to hide from the GAL, right click select Properties

Select the Attributes Editor tab, find msDS-cloudExtensionAttribute1, and enter the value HideFromGAL (note, this is case sensitive), click OK and OK to close out of the editor. 

Note: if you don't see the Attribute Editor tab in the previous step, within Active Directory Users and Computers, click on View in the top menu and select Advanced Features

Step 5: Validation

Open the Azure AD Connect Synchronization Service

On the Operations tab, if you haven't seen a Delta Synchronization, manually trigger the Delta sync to pick up the change you made in Active Directory


Select the Export for the domain.onmicrosoft.com connecter and you should see 1 Updates

Select the user account that is listed and click Properties.  On the Connector Space Object Properties, you should see Azure AD Connect triggered an add to Azure AD to set msExchHideFromAddressLists set to true

There ya have it!  An easy way to hide users from the GAL with minimal risk to ongoing operations.  Due to the way Azure AD Connect upgrades, our sync rule will persist fine during regular updates/patches released.

Upgrading DirSync to AADSync for Office 365 and Azure environments

As of 11/11/2014, Microsoft has released their next generation tool for providing synchronization between an on-premise Active Directory environment and Microsoft based cloud service (Azure, Office 365 Suite (Lync Online, CRM, SharePoint, Exchange, etc.)).  The utility is now referenced as Microsoft Azure Active Directory Sync Services (AADSync).

In this tutorial, we will go over the process to ensure you are on the new generation of their synchronization tool.  The process is fairly straight forward, uninstall the old DirSync utility, install the new AADSync utility.  If you wish to install the utility on a new server, stop the DirSync service, install the AADSync utility on the new server, and then uinstall DirSync after you have verified synchronization is successful on the new machine.

Here is the uninstall DirSync and install AADSync process

  1. Download a copy of the AADSync utility from Microsoft's website: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=44225
  2. Login to the server currently running DirSync
  3. Open up Control Panel
    Server - Start Menu - Control Panel
  4. Select Programs and Features (notice I am in the View By Small icons view)
    Control Panel - Small Icons - Programs and Features
  5. Uninstall the Windows Azure Active Directory Sync tool
  6. Select Yes to uninstall when prompted
    Windows Azure Active Directory Sync - Another instance dialog - Uninstall
  7. Uninstall Forefront Identity Manager Synchronization Service if it wasn't uninstalled already
    Uninstall - Forefront identity Manager Synchronization Service
  8. Run the MicrosoftAzureADConnectionTool.exe application you downloaded from Microsoft
    MicrosoftAzureADConnectionTool Installer
  9. Check I agree to the license terms and click Install
    Microsoft Azure Active Directory Sync Services - Install
  10. Once the install has finished, open up Computer Management and navigate to System Tools -> Local Users and Groups, Groups, and double click on ADSyncAdmins
    Computer Management - Local Users and groups - Groups - ADSyncAdmins
  11. Ensure your user account, user group, or local machine has been added to the security group
    ADSyncAdmins - Group Membership
  12. Log out of Windows
    Windows 8-Server 2012 - Sign Out

    1. Note: This step is needed to ensure you have proper user privileges when running the sync tool.  When running through the sync tool's installer, your user account will automatically be placed in a local security group called ADSyncAdmins.  A logout is needed to update your session otherwise you may receive the following error message:
      Your account is not a member of the ADSyncAdmins security group.  If you have recently installed Azure AD Sync, sign out before running this installation guide again.
      Microsoft Azure Active Directory Sync Services - Your account is not a member of the ADSyncAdmins security group
  13. Upon login, open up the DirectorySyncTool application
  14. Enter your Azure or Office 365 admin credentials and click Next
    Microsoft Azure Active Directory Sync Services - Azure AD Credentials
  15. Enter in your forest name, username (must be in domain\username format), and password (Active Directory on-premise credentials) and click Add Forest
    Microsoft Azure Active Directory Sync Services - AD DS Credentials

    1. Note: If you are unsure what your forest name is, login to your domain controller and execute the following powershell command to list all forests in your deployment:
       Get-AdForest | FT Name
  16. Click Next once your forest has been validated
    Microsoft Azure Active Directory Sync Services - AD DS Credentials - Forests Validated
  17. Click Next on User Matching
    Microsoft Azure Active Directory Sync Services - User Matching
  18. Check the boxes that are applicable to your deployment and click Next
    Microsoft Azure Active Directory Sync Services - Optional Features
  19. Click Configure
    Microsoft Azure Active Directory Sync Services - Configure
  20. Click Finish
    Microsoft Azure Active Directory Sync Services - Finish


Office 365 - Renew your certificates (on-premise ADFS) alert

Symptom: After you replace your SSL certificates on your ADFS servers you continue to receive the following alert inside of the Office 365 portal.

Renew your certificates
One of your on-premises Federation Service certificates is expiring.  Failure to renew the certificate and update trust properties within XX days will result in a loss of access to all Office 365 services for all users.  Update now

Office 365 - Alert - Renew your certificates

Solution: This error can be caused if any of the three primary SSL Certificates that are required to federate to an external identity are nearing their experation date (Service Communications, Token-decrpting, and Token-signing).

Verify which SSL certificate is about to expire

  1. Login to your primary ADFS server
  2. Open up Server Manager
    Server 2012 R2 - Server Manager
  3. Select Tools -> AD FS Management
    Server Manager - Tools - AD FS Management
  4. Under AD FS expand Service and select Certificates
    AD FS Management Console - AD FS - Service - Certificates
  5. Verify if any certificates are set to expire
    1. Note: In this case, you can see the Token-decrypting and Token-signing certificates are set to expire soon

Replace the expir(ed)(ing) certificates

Unfortunately, I don't currently have a tutorial on the processes behind replacing each certificate.  The process for replacing each certificate is a tad different.  Here are a few articles that might help you:

Replacing the Service Communication certificate: http://blogs.technet.com/b/tune_in_to_windows_intune/archive/2013/11/13/replace-certificates-on-adfs-3-0.aspx

Replacing the token-signing and token-decrypting certificates can be found here: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/2554.ad-fs-2-0-how-to-replace-the-ssl-service-communications-token-signing-and-token-decrypting-certificates.aspx#Replacing_the_Token-Signing_certificate

Update the federated trust with Office 365

  1. Once your certificates are not nearing their experation date, open up the Windows Azure Active Direcotry Module for Windows PowerShell as an administrator
    1. Note: Installation instructions and the download for this can be found here: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj151815.aspx
      Windows Azure Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell
  2. Execute the following command
    1.  Connect-MsolService
      Windows Azure Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell - Connect-MsolService

      1. Note: Enter in your Office 365 administrator credentials on this step
  3. Execute the following command
    1. Update-MsolFederatedDomain -DomainName mydomain.com -SupportMultiDomain
      Windows Azure Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell - Connect-msolservice - update-msolfederateddomain

      1. Note: Replace mydomain.com with your federated domain.  If you have multiple domains you are federating with Office 365, add the optional -SupportMultiDomain paramter as well

Office 365 - Change the Alias attribute of an Exchange mailbox for a federated user

Scenario: A federated Office 365 user's Alias is incorrect.  You wish to change it, but changing the proxyAddress or Mail attribute in Active Directory does not update the Alias.

Before this tutorial, you can see the Alias has a typo in it (the m and o are out of place)

Office 365 - User Mailbox - Alias - TypoAfter completing this tutorial, we will update the Alias to look correct

Office 365 - User Mailbox - Alias - Typo Fixed

Solution: Complete the following steps below to update the Alias

  1. Login to one of your Domain Controllers and open up Active Directory Users and Computers
    Server Manager - Active Directory Users and Computers
  2. Find the user that owns the mailbox, right click on them, and select Properties
    Active Directory Users and Computers - User - Properties
  3. Select the Attribute Editor Tab and find the mailNickname attribute
    Active Directory Users and Computers - User - Properties - Attribute Editor - mailNickname

    1. Note: You will need to Enable Advanced Features on Active Directory Users and Computers to see this tab
      Active Directory Users and Computers - View - Advanced Features
  4. Type in the desired value you wish to show up in the Alias field on the Office 365 Exchange Portal and click OK
    Active Directory Users and Computers - User - Properties - Attribute Editor - mailNickname - String Attribute Editor
  5. Click Apply on the Active Directory Users and Computers dialog
    Active Directory Users and Computers - User - Properties - Attribute Editor - mailNickname - Apply
  6. Wait for the Office 365 Directory Synchronization tool runs and updates the users online
    1. Note: Tutorial on how to do this can be found here: http://jackstromberg.com/2012/08/force-directory-synchronization-with-office-365/
  7. Ensure that the Alias field has updated in the Exchange Administrative portal
    Office 365 - User Mailbox - Alias - Typo Fixed


Office 365 - Call us overprotective, but we need to verify your account again before opening this document.


When trying to open a document in Office 2013 ProPlus from Office 365's SharePoint environment, you are periodically prompted for credentials to SharePoint Online, OneDrive, and Lync Onlinet (using your email address and password).  Additionally, the affected users are those that have been synchronized from an on-premise Active Directory environment via ADFS.

Side Note: Not sure if this is relevent or not, but we noticed this started to happen after upgrading our ADFS Proxy Servers to Server 2012 R2 (ADFS v3).

You are prompted with the following Sign In box:

Call us overprotective, but we need to verify your account again before opening this document.
Sign In

Once you try signing in, you receive the following error:

We are unable to connect right now. Please check your network and try again later.

Sign In 2

Inside of the Lync 2013 client, you might see the following dialog as well:

Credentials are required

Lync needs your user name and password to connect for retrieving calendar data from Outlook

Sign In 3


This error is caused by a variety of different issues.  Please try all of the following below.

If you have a single client having issues

  • Clearing cache of Internet Explorer
  • Running an online repair of Office 365 ProPlus
  • Switching Accounts inside of Outlook (File->Office Account->Switch Account)
  • Deactiving office from Office 365 settings and reactivating

If this is a widespread issue on multiple machines in your environment

  • Verify all proxy servers are functioning
    • If you have multiple proxy servers, ensure your Network Load Balancer is functioning correctly
  • You might be hitting a known bug with the Office 2013 Suite.  See the following KB article on how to try a workaround (this was the fix for an environment I worked on using ADFS and Server 2012): http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2913639

Change Office 365 DirSync Synchronization Frequency/Schedule

By default, you have probably noticed it can take up to 3 hours for a change to be in your on-premise environment to be replicated to your Office 365 environment.  In organizations that have a smaller amount of users, you can change the frequency of the synchronization schedule to replicate the changes to Office 365 more quickly.

  1. Login to the server with the DirSync application (Windows Azure Active Directory Sync)
  2. Open up Notepad as an Administrator
    Notepad - Run as Administrator
  3. Open the folllowing file
    1. C:\Program Files\Windows Azure Active Directory Sync\Microsoft.Online.DirSync.Scheduler.exe.config
  4. Change the SyncTimeInterval to how often you want the tool to be run.  The time is in hh:mm:ss
    1. For example, to change a sync frequency to every 15 minutes
      1. Change <add key=”SyncTimeInterval” value=”3:0:0″ /> to <add key=”SyncTimeInterval” value=”0:15:0″ />
        Microsoft_Online_DirSync_Scheduler_exe_config - 15 minutes
  5. Save and Close Notepad
  6. Restart the Windows Azure Active Directory Sync Service
    Windows Azure Active Directory Sync Service - Restart

DirSync - Unable to establish a connection to the authentication service. Contact Technical Support.

Symptom: You receive the following errors when running the Windows Azure Active Directory Sync tool Configuration Wizard or the Microsoft Online Services Directory Synchronization Configuration Wizard.

Synchronization Service Manager shows stopped-server-down status.
stopped-server-down Synchronization Service Manager

You receive the following events inside of event viewer:

Log Name: Application
Source: Directory Synchronization
Date: %Date%
Event ID: 0
Task Category: None
Level: Error
Keywords: Classic
User: N/A
Computer: %ComputerName%
Unable to establish a connection to the authentication service. Contact Technical Support. GetAuthState() failed with -2147186688 state. HResult:0. Contact Technical Support. (0x80048862)
Log Name: Application
Source: Directory Synchronization
Date: %Date%
Event ID: 102
Task Category: None
Level: Error
Keywords: Classic
User: N/A
Computer: %ComputerName%
Unable to establish a connection to the authentication service. Contact Technical Support.

Log Name: Application
Source: FIMSynchronizationService
Date: %Date%
Event ID: 6803
Task Category: Management Agent Run Profile
Level: Error
Keywords: Classic
User: N/A
Computer: %ComputerName%
The management agent "TargetWebService" failed on run profile "Delta Confirming Import" because the server encountered errors.

The Windows Azure Active Directory Sync tool Configuration Wizard presents you the following error message:
Unable to establish a connection to the authentication service. Contact Technical Support.
Unable to establish a connection to the authentication service. Contact Technical Support

Solution: This turns out to be an issue with the provided credentials entered in the Windows Azure Active Directory Credentials step.  Please make sure you verify the following.

  1. Do not use a federated Global Administrator service account.  Federated service accounts are not allowed to be used with the synchronization tool.  You should have a non-federated Global Administrator account with an @mydomain.onmicrosoft.com UPN.
  2. Ensure your Office 365 Global Administrator service account's password has not expired.

Office 365 - The phone number you entered has already been registered by someone else.

Symptom: You receive the following error when trying to enable someone for a Unified Messaging mailbox on Office 365 (Office 365 Admin Portal -> Exchange -> User Account -> Enable Unified Messaging -> Browse for UM mailbox policy).

The phone number you entered has already been registered by someone else.
The phone number you entered has already been registered by someone else

Resolution: This was caused by having a duplicate UM Voicemail box number.  You can run the following powershell commands to identify which user has the duplicate number assigned to them.

Set-ExecutionPolicy unrestricted
$Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri https://ps.outlook.com/powershell/ -Credential $LiveCred -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection
Import-PSSession $session
Get-Recipient -ResultSize Unlimited | where{$_.emailaddresses -like "*EUM:*PHONENUMBER*"} | fl displayname,emailaddresses