Category Archives: Uncategorized

Binding Multiple SSL Sites To The Same Port/IP In IIS6

First, all credit goes to Dustin Riley for this article. I have simply copied and pasted it for archival reasons.

The original article can be found here:

If you attempt to create multiple sites in IIS6 that use the same SSL port (by default 443), then you will get an error message when you try to start the second one stating “IIS was unable to start the site. Another site may already be using the port you configured for this site. Please select a unused port for this site.” To setup SSL on the second site you need to either use a different port or edit the metabase directly. IIS6 comes with a script that will allow you to edit the metabase and add the binding for the second SSL site

The script is located in the Inetpub/AdminScripts directory and will need to be run from there in the command prompt. You will need to know the site identifier for the site you want to add the binding to. You can find this in the IIS Manager, drilling down to Web Sites, it will be in one of the columns in the right pane.

cscript.exe adsutil.vbs set /w3svc//SecureBindings “::”

cscript.exe adsutil.vbs set /w3svc/1/SecureBindings “”

Once you complete this you should be able to start the site in the IIS Manager.

How to extend a hard drive in Windows Server 2003, 2008, Windows 2000 and XP

Copied right from Microsoft's KB, here is how to extend a partition/disk.

  • At a command prompt, type diskpart.exe.
  • Type list volume to display the existing volumes on the computer.
  • Type Select volume volume number where volume number is number of the volume that you want to extend.
  • Type extend [size=n] [disk=n] [noerr]. The following describes the parameters:
    • size=n
      • The space, in megabytes (MB), to add to the current partition. If you do not specify a size, the disk is extended to use all the next contiguous unallocated space.
    • disk=n
      • The dynamic disk on which to extend the volume. Space equal to size=n is allocated on the disk. If no disk is specified, the volume is extended on the current disk.
    • noerr
      • For scripting only. When an error is thrown, this parameter specifies that Diskpart continue to process commands as if the error did not occur. Without the noerr parameter, an error causes Diskpart to exit with an error code.
  • Type exit to exit Diskpart.exe.

When the extend command is complete, you should receive a message that states that Diskpart successfully extended the volume. The new space should be added to the existing drive while maintaining the data on the volume.

The original KB article can be found here:

Steps to recover a deleted/corrupted Exchange 2010 Server

Did you nuke your Exchange server or "accidentally" delete it?  Fortunately, Microsoft has a way to revive it!  Here are the steps as mentioned in the following KB article:
  1. Reset the computer account for the lost server. For detailed steps, see Reset a Computer Account.
  2. Install the proper operating system and name the new server with the same name as the lost server. Recovery won't succeed if the server on which recovery is being performed doesn't have the same name as the lost server.
  3. Join the server to the same domain as the lost server.
  4. Install the necessary prerequisites and operating system components. For details, see Exchange 2010 System Requirements and Exchange 2010 Prerequisites.
  5. Log on to the server being recovered and open a command prompt.
  6. Navigate to the Exchange 2010 installation files, and run the following command:
    Setup /m:RecoverServer
  7. After Setup has completed, but before the recovered server is put into production, reconfigure any custom settings that were previously present on the server.

The trust relationship between this workstation and the primary domain failed -- The legend of Netdom

So today, my Certificate Authority decided it was too good for my Sandbox Domain and wanted to do its own shindig.

Unfortunately, you cannot leave a domain and rejoin it back since it's a CA.  However, before you start backing up your CA and wipping out your Windows Server 2008 R2 disk, give this a shot:

1. Login to the machine as local admin that is presenting the "The trust relationship between this workstation and the primary domain failed" error.

2. Open up a commmand prompt as Administrator

3. Execute the following command: netdom resetpwd /s:nameofyourdcserver /ud:domain\User /pd:*

Hurray!  You should be back in business now without even having to reboot! 🙂


You can find more info about how the tool works behind the scenes from here:


Styling the Windows welcome screen (Interactive Logon)

Many people say you can't format the login screen in Windows to display a legal notice, company message, whatever.  They are indeed true... to a degree.

Earlier this afternoon I came across this issue and was not going to settle for not having spaces between my paragraphs.  To solve this, you can use a ridiculous amount of spaces between paragraphs to simulate the break (I tried multiple special characters for spacing, but all of them either get trimmed or hide the rest of the text).  Additionally, you can use special alt characters for some formatting (quotes, bullets, etc.).  If you don't have a keyboard with a keypad to type the special characters, you can open up word, insert a symbol into the document and copy and paste it over using the Control+C and Control+V keyboard shortcuts.

The only downside to this method is that only 512 characters will show up on Windows 2000 machines, but if you are still on Windows 2000, then I would strongly encourage you to update to a later operating system.