Author Archives: Jack

Error 8224 when deploying Lync

If you are receiving an error on Step 1 when deploying Lync:
Upload C:\Program Files\Microsoft Lync Server 2010\Deployment\Setup\BackCompatSchema.ldf fails. The exit code is "8224".

Here are a few things to try/verify:
1. Make sure your DCs are running
2. Make sure your computer is joined to the domain
3. Make sure your account is part of the Enterprise Admins and Schema Admins groups.
4. Right click, Run as other user, and type in your credentials to the account you have added yourself to the groups above.

Right click, running the Configuration Wizard seemed to solve the problem for me. Not sure why it doesn't work just logged in as the user, but what the hey, the installer ran successfully and extended the schema.

Office 365 - Change UPN on a user in the cloud

I ran accross some issues when moving to Office 365, particularily with my account that I created when creating our Office 365 site. In doing so, the account on Office 365 and my on-premise account had strange issues where even though the account was syncrhonized with our on-premise active directory environment, the Office 365 account was still the active address.

To fix this, follow the instructions as mentioned in this KB article:

Styling the Windows welcome screen (Interactive Logon)

Many people say you can't format the login screen in Windows to display a legal notice, company message, whatever.  They are indeed true... to a degree.

Earlier this afternoon I came across this issue and was not going to settle for not having spaces between my paragraphs.  To solve this, you can use a ridiculous amount of spaces between paragraphs to simulate the break (I tried multiple special characters for spacing, but all of them either get trimmed or hide the rest of the text).  Additionally, you can use special alt characters for some formatting (quotes, bullets, etc.).  If you don't have a keyboard with a keypad to type the special characters, you can open up word, insert a symbol into the document and copy and paste it over using the Control+C and Control+V keyboard shortcuts.

The only downside to this method is that only 512 characters will show up on Windows 2000 machines, but if you are still on Windows 2000, then I would strongly encourage you to update to a later operating system.

Exchange 2010 Won't Sync Mobile Device Mailbox For One User

Today I stumbled across some weird stuff where one individual account wasn't able to synchronize on their iPhone/Droid. They would sign in and get an error saying the "Connection to the server was unavailable."

To fix this, simply follow the steps below! 🙂
Open Active Directory Users and Computers -> View > Advanced Features.
Find the user with the problems connecting, Right-Click -> Properties.
Click the Security tab -> Advanced and make sure that the check box for "Include inheritable permissions from this object's parent" is checked.

PowerShell Script To Create Folders From CSV

This script will read in a csv named users.csv and create a bunch of directories from it. A log file will be written named logfile.log

# MODIFIED: Jack Stromberg
# DATE : 7/19/2012
# COMMENTS: $_.FirstName and $_.LastName are the column names in the csv file
# Get current directory and set import file in variable
$path = Split-Path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
$newpath = $path + "\users.csv"
# Define variables
$log = $path + "\logfile.log"
$date = Get-Date
Function createDirs
"Created following directories (on " + $date + ") " | Out-File $log -append
"--------------------------------------------" | Out-File $log -append
Import-CSV $newpath | ForEach-Object {
$dir = $path + "\" + $_.FirstName + "." + $_.LastName + "\"
$dir = $dir.ToLower()
New-Item $dir -type directory

How to power off a hanging VM in ESXi

So to do this in ESXi, see this tutorial:

I found out that the commands from ESX are completely different, so if you are receiving the "vmware-cmd" not recognized, you are probably running ESXi and need to use the commands from the KB article above.