Monthly Archives: December 2014

[How-To] Import large .sql file into MSSQL (Microsoft SQL) Server

Objective: You have a .sql file you wish to import in Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL)

Solution: Microsoft has a command line utility called Sqlcmd that can be used to import very large datasets into SQL server without having to open the file.  More information on this utility can be found here:

Here is a snippit of the utility and its available switches before beginning:

C:\Users\Administrator>sqlcmd /?

usage: Sqlcmd            [-U login id]          [-P password]
  [-S server]            [-H hostname]          [-E trusted connection]
  [-N Encrypt Connection][-C Trust Server Certificate]
  [-d use database name] [-l login timeout]     [-t query timeout]
  [-h headers]           [-s colseparator]      [-w screen width]
  [-a packetsize]        [-e echo input]        [-I Enable Quoted Identifiers]
  [-c cmdend]            [-L[c] list servers[clean output]]
  [-q "cmdline query"]   [-Q "cmdline query" and exit]
  [-m errorlevel]        [-V severitylevel]     [-W remove trailing spaces]
  [-u unicode output]    [-r[0|1] msgs to stderr]
  [-i inputfile]         [-o outputfile]        [-z new password]
  [-f  | i:[,o:]] [-Z new password and exit]
  [-k[1|2] remove[replace] control characters]
  [-y variable length type display width]
  [-Y fixed length type display width]
  [-p[1] print statistics[colon format]]
  [-R use client regional setting]
  [-K application intent]
  [-M multisubnet failover]
  [-b On error batch abort]
  [-v var = "value"...]  [-A dedicated admin connection]
  [-X[1] disable commands, startup script, environment variables [and exit]]
  [-x disable variable substitution]
  [-? show syntax summary]

Here is an example of how to use the utility:

  1. Open up a command prompt
    1. Note: Administrative privileges are optional depending on how you have your security settings configured.
      Server 2012 - Administrative Command Prompt
  2. Execute the following command
    1. sqlcmd -S SERVERNAME\INSTANCE_NAME -i C:\path\mysqlfile.sql
      1. Here are some notes/tricks you might want to use:
        • If you are using the default instance when you installed MSSQL server, you don't have to specify \INSTANCE_NAME
        • You can log results to a text file by appending the following switch: -o C:\path\results.txt
        • You can specify a database to import to by appending the following switch: -d MYDATABASE
        • You can specify username and password by appending the following switch: -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD
          --Note: You can wait to be prompted for credentials by optionally leaving out the -p switch, however if you are piping the results out to notepad, the command will not fully execute.


[How-To] Upgrade the firmware on a Dell PowerConnect N2000/3000 series switch

  1. Download the latest firmware from Dell's website
    1. Navigate to and enter in your service tag.  You should see downloads for this product, grab the latest firmware that is in a zipped folder.
  2. Extract the .zip folder of the firmware
    N2000 Firmware
  3. Console into the switch via SSH or direct console
  4. Copy the current configuration to startup
    1. console#> copy running-config startup-config
      N2000-3000 - copy running-config startup-config
  5. Transfer the firmware to the switch
    1. TFTP Method
      1. console#> tftp://N3000_2000v6.1.2.4.stk backup
    2. USB Method (Directly attached to switch)
      1. console#> usb://N3000_2000v6.1.2.4.stk backup
        N2000-3000 - usb transfer - backup
  6. Verify the backup version is the new build
    1. console#> show version
      N2000-3000 - backup - version
  7. Activate the new firmware
    1. console#> boot system backup
      N2000-3000 - backup - boot system backup
  8. Reboot the switch
    1. console#> reload
      N2000-3000 - update bootcode - reload
  9. Verify the build is now up-to-date
    1. console#> show version
      N2000-3000 - show version - active - 6_1_2_4
  10. Update the boot code
    1. console#> update bootcode
      N2000-3000 - show version - active - 6_1_2_4 - update bootcode
  11. Reboot the switch
    1. console#> reload
      N2000-3000 - update bootcode - reload

That should do it!