I had one of my buddies ask me how to validate input in C today... Turns out the task is kind of daunting. I thought I could get away with the following below:
int status, input;
status = scanf("%d", &input);
printf("Incorrect number... please try again: ");
status = scanf("%d", &input);
but the problem is you receive an infinite loop. The reason behind this is when you hit return\enter on your keyboard, a newline character is passed in as input. These extra hidden characters are what is messing with your input and spawning the infinite while loop. Luckily, I was able to parse through the extra characters one-by-one and get something working.
Hopefully this helps someone else!
int main(void){
// input user input -- hopefully a number
// temp used to collect garbage characters
// status did the user enter a number?
int input, temp, status;
printf("Please enter a number: ");
status = scanf("%d", &input);
while((temp=getchar()) != EOF && temp != '\n');
printf("Invalid input... please enter a number: ");
status = scanf("%d", &input);
printf("Your number is %d\n",input);
return 0;