Allowing Copy/Paste/Clipboard access between View Desktop and Local Machine

Want to allow users to copy/paste rich-text from their local machine to their View VM?  Here is how to do it.
  1. Go to your View Connection server and browse to the following directory:
    1. c:\Program Files\VMware\VMware View\Server\extras\GroupPolicyFiles\
  2. Copy the pcoip.adm template and paste it on your domain controller's desktop/whereever you modify group policies for the domain.
  3. Create a new policy on the OU that you want for your virtual desktops (view clients)
  4. Edit the policy
  5. Expand Computer Configuration->Policies
  6. Right click on Administrative Templates and click Add/Remove Templates
  7. Click the Add... button and browse to the pcoip.adm file
  8. Click the Close button
  9. Expand Computer Configuration->Policies->Administrative Templates->Classic Administrative Templates (ADM)->PCoIP Session Variables->Overridable Administrator Defaults
  10. Modify the following policies to enable clipboard access
    1. Configure clipboard redirection
      1. I.e set this option to Enabled and configure clipboard redirection for Enabled in both directions.
    2. Configure PCoIP virtual channels
      1. Set this option to enabled
  11. Restart the desktop to ensure policies take over


  • Overridable Administrator Defaults allow administrators to change the values.
  • Non-Overridable Administrator Settings prevent Administrators from changing the settings as well.
  • It is only possible to copy/paste rich-text.  Files are not supported at this time.

6 thoughts on “Allowing Copy/Paste/Clipboard access between View Desktop and Local Machine

  1. werk42

    I am searching since a few days to enable copy/paste for files - you wrote, it is not supported at this time, so my question: where did you get this information?

      1. werk42

        Thank you Jack!
        I'm wondering about the vSphere-documentation, that says:
        "Copying and pasting text, graphics, and files between the virtual machine and the host or client desktop", but OK, we have to live with it 😉

        1. Jack Post author

          I know if you use RDP as your protocol to connect, you can copy/paste any files between your local machine and the View VM. Your local machine's drive will show up as a mapped network drive in the View VM. Unfortunately, you lose the bandwidth savings of PCoIP, but if copy/paste of files is an absolute need, this is a good work around. Another workaround you can do is take a USB drive and mount it in your PCoIP session and use that as a middleman to transfer files between your local machine and the View VM.

          Hope this helps!

    1. Jack Post author

      Hi Todd,

      Step three is referencing your view machines. I have updated the wording to be a little more clear.

      Thanks for the feedback!


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