Tag Archives: 2010

Configure call forwarding on unassigned number ranges in Lync

One of the new features introduced in Lync Server 2010 and kept in 2013 is the ability to assign a block of numbers to Lync and have Lync handle a call made to an unassigned number a specific way rather than just have a fast-busy signal.

While it is easy to configure a call to be handled by a simple announcement (a sound file saying you have reached a number that has not been assigned to an individual at your corporation or a text-to-speech version translated by Lync), there is really no easy way to configure the call to be routed a specific way via the CSCP (Lync GUI control panel).  In this tutorial, we will cover some of the powershell commands to create an announcement to forward the call to an operator or response group and then assign the announcement to an unassigned number range.

  1. Open up the Lync Server Management Shell as an administrator on one of your Front End servers
    Lync Server Management Shell - Run as administrator
    Lync Server Management Shell - Running as Administrator
  2. Execute the following powershell command to configure how the call should be handled
    1. To route to a response group or user
      New-CsAnnouncement -Identity ApplicationServer:lyncpool.mydomain.com -Name "Forward Announcement" -TextToSpeechPrompt "Thank you for calling my company, please wait while we redirect your call." -Language "en-US" -TargetUri sip:[email protected]
    2. To route to a specific phone number (make sure you specify ;user=phone)
      New-CsAnnouncement -Identity ApplicationServer:lyncpool.mydomain.com -Name "Forward Announcement" -TextToSpeechPrompt "Thank you for calling my company, please wait while we redirect your call." -Language "en-US" -TargetUri "sip:+[email protected];user=phone"
    3. Alternatively, you can use your own recording in a .wav format rather than use the robotic Lync voice by specifying using either of the following commands:
      New-CsAnnouncement -Identity ApplicationServer:lyncpool.mydomain.com -Name "Forward Announcement" -AudioFilePrompt "WelcomeMessage.wav" -TargetUri sip:[email protected]
      New-CsAnnouncement -Identity ApplicationServer:lyncpool.mydomain.com -Name "Forward Announcement" -AudioFilePrompt "WelcomeMessage.wav" -TargetUri "sip:+[email protected];user=phone"
      New-CsAnnouncement -TextToSpeech - forward to user
  3. Execute the following powershell command to create the unassigned number range and assign our announcement/forward to the unassigned number range
    1. New-CsUnassignedNumber -Identity "Unassigned Number Range" -NumberRangeStart "+15555555000" -NumberRangeEnd "+15555559000" -AnnouncementName "Forward Announcement" -AnnouncementService ApplicationServer:lyncpool.mydomain.com
      New-CsUnassignedNumber Range - Forward Annoucnement
  4. At this point, once you call a number that has not been assigned to a response group, user, dial-in access number, etc in the 15555555000-9000 range, you should receive your message and in my particiular case, the call should be forwarded to a particular user.  Hope this helps!

Notes: Official technet article on how the New-CsAnnouncement command can be found here: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg398522.aspx

Attempts to route to servers in an Exchange UM Dialplan failed - Lync 2010-2013

Symptom: When trying to check your voicemail from Lync, you notice that you call gets dropped/disconnected.  Inside of the front end server, you notice the following error log:

Attempts to route to servers in an Exchange UM Dialplan failed

No server in the dialplan [Hosted__exap.um.outlook.com__mydomain.onmicrosoft.com] accepted the call with id [c347a4ecc6e74651a2bdce6c43552e53].

Cause: Dialplan is not configured properly.


Check the configuration of the dialplan on Exchange UM Servers.

ExUM Error

Solution: Unfortunately, this seems to be caused by a couple of different things, so I would give all of the following below a shot.

First, make sure you have created a Unified Messaging plan in your Office 365 Exchange Control Panel:

  1. Login to https://portal.microsoftonline.com/
  2. Click the Manage link next to Exchange on the dashboard
    1. Exchange Manage
  3. Click the Phone & Voice tab
    1. Phone & Voice
  4. Ensure you have a UM Dial Plan with the number you used in the New-CsExUmContact powershell command you ran earlier.  Your settings might differ on the screenshot below, but just make sure you have SIP URI selected.
    1. New UM Dial Plan
  5. Select your policy from the UM Dial Plans list and click the Configure UM Dial Plan button as shown below:
    1. UM Dial Plan Configuration
  6. Make sure you configure the number you want your users to dial to access their voicemail in the E.164 routing numbers for your SIP server and Numbers for users to access voice mail boxes.
    1. Configure Voicemail Plan


If your running Lync 2010/2013 at the same time, check out this option in topology builder to make sure you have enabled federation:

  1. Open up the Lync Server Topology Builder
  2. Download the latest topology
  3. Right click on the first site (the node under Lync Server) and then click Edit Properties...
  4. Scroll down to Site federation route assignment and make sure Apply federation route assignments to all sites is checked.
  5. Make sure Enable sip federation is checked as well and then click OK
  6. Click on Action->Topology->Publish...

If the above doesn't work, try running the following powershell commands on your front-end server.

  1. Modify the global hostedvoicemailpolicy (make sure to use your onmicrosoft domain name, not your FQDN you would use normally):
    1. Set-CsHostedVoicemailPolicy -global -Destination exap.um.outlook.com -Organization domain.onmicrosoft.com
  2. Create Lync contact for Hosted UM (make sure to set the number as the same one in the Office 365 Unified Messaging area. The last value below can be changed to put the UM contact that will be generated in AD, in any OU of your choosing; I just picked the default users one for simplicity.
    1. New-CsExUmContact -DisplayNumber +15555555555 -SipAddress sip:[email protected] -RegistrarPool FQDNTOPOOL -OU "CN=Users,DC=domain,DC=com"
  3. Associate your newly created Lync contact with your Hosted Voicemail Policy:
    1. Grant-CsHostedVoicemailPolicy -identity "sip:[email protected]" -policyname global

Lastly, if things still aren't working, make sure you have enabled federation with Office 365's exchange server for Unified Messaging by executing the following command:

  1. New-CsHostingProvider -Identity "Exchange Online" -Enabled $True -EnabledSharedAddressSpace $True -HostsOCSUsers $False -ProxyFQDN "exap.um.outlook.com" -IsLocal $False -VerificationLevel UseSourceVerification

Exchange 2010 Won't Sync Mobile Device Mailbox For One User

Today I stumbled across some weird stuff where one individual account wasn't able to synchronize on their iPhone/Droid. They would sign in and get an error saying the "Connection to the server was unavailable."

To fix this, simply follow the steps below! 🙂
Open Active Directory Users and Computers -> View > Advanced Features.
Find the user with the problems connecting, Right-Click -> Properties.
Click the Security tab -> Advanced and make sure that the check box for "Include inheritable permissions from this object's parent" is checked.