Office 365 - Renew your certificates (on-premise ADFS) alert

Symptom: After you replace your SSL certificates on your ADFS servers you continue to receive the following alert inside of the Office 365 portal.

Renew your certificates
One of your on-premises Federation Service certificates is expiring.  Failure to renew the certificate and update trust properties within XX days will result in a loss of access to all Office 365 services for all users.  Update now

Office 365 - Alert - Renew your certificates

Solution: This error can be caused if any of the three primary SSL Certificates that are required to federate to an external identity are nearing their experation date (Service Communications, Token-decrpting, and Token-signing).

Verify which SSL certificate is about to expire

  1. Login to your primary ADFS server
  2. Open up Server Manager
    Server 2012 R2 - Server Manager
  3. Select Tools -> AD FS Management
    Server Manager - Tools - AD FS Management
  4. Under AD FS expand Service and select Certificates
    AD FS Management Console - AD FS - Service - Certificates
  5. Verify if any certificates are set to expire
    1. Note: In this case, you can see the Token-decrypting and Token-signing certificates are set to expire soon

Replace the expir(ed)(ing) certificates

Unfortunately, I don't currently have a tutorial on the processes behind replacing each certificate.  The process for replacing each certificate is a tad different.  Here are a few articles that might help you:

Replacing the Service Communication certificate:

Replacing the token-signing and token-decrypting certificates can be found here:

Update the federated trust with Office 365

  1. Once your certificates are not nearing their experation date, open up the Windows Azure Active Direcotry Module for Windows PowerShell as an administrator
    1. Note: Installation instructions and the download for this can be found here:
      Windows Azure Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell
  2. Execute the following command
    1.  Connect-MsolService
      Windows Azure Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell - Connect-MsolService

      1. Note: Enter in your Office 365 administrator credentials on this step
  3. Execute the following command
    1. Update-MsolFederatedDomain -DomainName -SupportMultiDomain
      Windows Azure Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell - Connect-msolservice - update-msolfederateddomain

      1. Note: Replace with your federated domain.  If you have multiple domains you are federating with Office 365, add the optional -SupportMultiDomain paramter as well

1 thought on “Office 365 - Renew your certificates (on-premise ADFS) alert

  1. Pingback: Short takes: ADFS certificate expiry; Azure Authenticator setup on Windows Phone; checking if a MSOL tenant name exists -

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