9 thoughts on “Office 365 - Can't sign in - Error 80041317

  1. Richard Artes

    Update-MSOLFederatedDomain needs to have -supportmultipledomain added if you have multiple domains.

    Update-MSOLFederatedDomain -DomainName xxxxxxxxx.xx -supportmultipledomain

    1. Jack Post author

      Thanks Richard! I have updated the article to include the additional powershell parameters for people with multiple federated domains.


  2. Dimitri Robin

    Hi Jack,

    I have another issue. I am using Office 365 cloud based package and none of my users can connect to lync 2013 via android devices. We have a CNAME lyncdiscover.gemaire.com pointing to webdir.online.lync.com

    The problem is, when the app tries to connect to our CNAME, it fails and gives back an errror saying "we can't connect you, please try again."

    it turns out that the android browser is trying to find lync.gemaire.com ON microsoft's servers which own the *online.lync.com cert.

    the app works perfectly on MAC devices as safari does not even look for the cert.

    1. Jack Post author

      Hi Dimitri,

      If Office 365 is trying to use lync.mydomain.com in substitution for *.online.lync.com, you may need to contact Office 365's technical support to further research the problem. The app should use the lyncdiscover record in this case to find the server. In a typical on-premise deployment, the lync.mydomain.com points to the reverse proxy (Microsoft may direct you to another server to point to for an Office 365 environment).

      Appreciate the feedback this was the issue for you though!


  3. Donald Kramer

    The command Convert-MsolDomainToFederated requires the -SupportMultipleDomain switch as well if you have multiple domains in the same tenant.

    Great article btw!


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