Monthly Archives: December 2012

Updating the View Composer SSL certificate

To update the certificate for the View Composer server, complete the following steps:

  1. Login to the View Composer Server.
  2. Stop the VMware View Composer service
  3. Open up command prompt as an administrator
  4. Navigate to c:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware view Composer
    1. Exclude the (x86) if on a 32-bit machine
  5. Execute the following command:
    1. sviconfig -operation=ReplaceCertificate -delete=false
      1. The -delete command will either delete the certificate from windows or leave it.  False leaves it, true deletes it.
  6. Start the VMware View Composer service


Additional information on the sviconfig tool can be found here:

Original support article can be found here:


Method Invocation Result: vpx.fault.SecurityConfigFault when replacing vmware ssl certificates

Symptom: When replacing my VMWare certificates with signed certificates, I was receiving the following error when running the Invoke Certificates command:

Method Invocation Result: vpx.fault.SecurityConfigFault

Solution: Unfortunately, the only way I could figure out how to fix this issue was to reboot the vCenter server and try again. The error went away upon reboot.

Preventing Drive Letters From Changing During SysPrep

One thing that I found really annoying when doing a sysprep was my drive letters changing. In some environments, drive letters need to remain constant when the machine is being deployed/cloned. Unfortunately, I don't have too awful much experience with sysprep's new unattended.xml file and there doesn't seem to be any clear cut tutorials on how to do this, so I found a nice workaround.

To prevent the drive letters from chaning, use the following steps.
1. Open up the registry (Start->Run->regedit)
2. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\MountedDrives
3. Make a backup of this. File->Export (save to a place where you can access it soon).
4. Make sure you leave regedit open and run sysprep via command line. Use the /quit switch when running sysprep as we do not want to restart the machine yet.
5. Once sysprep finishes, go back to the registry editor.
6. Import your registry backup. File->Import
7. Restart/Shutdown the machine and deploy

Credit to this answer goes to jthiessn for finding this trick. Make sure to "up" his answer on the Microsoft forum for his fine work 🙂