Here is how to replace the SSL certificates on VMware Update Manager running under vCenter 5.1. I found the text from the following document, just reposting for future reference/ease of access:
- Back up the existing Update Manager certificates.
- Copy the newly created certificate files (rui.crt, rui.key, and rui.pfx) to the Update Manager SSL directory on the system where Update Manager is installed.
- Typically, the directory is C:\Program Files\VMware\Infrastructure\Update Manager\SSL.
- Stop the VMware vSphere Update Manager service.
- Change to the Update Manager installation directory.
- Typically, the directory is C:\Program Files\VMware\Infrastructure\Update Manager\.
- Run the file VMwareUpdateManagerUtility.exe.
- Note, this might take a couple of seconds to startup, there was a delay for me.
- In the Options pane, click SSL Certificate.
- In the Configuration pane, select Followed and verified the steps and click Apply.
- You should receive the following text when it is done: "Successfully applied the configuration."
- After the operation completes, start the VMware vSphere Update Manager service.