Styling the Windows welcome screen (Interactive Logon)

Many people say you can't format the login screen in Windows to display a legal notice, company message, whatever.  They are indeed true... to a degree.

Earlier this afternoon I came across this issue and was not going to settle for not having spaces between my paragraphs.  To solve this, you can use a ridiculous amount of spaces between paragraphs to simulate the break (I tried multiple special characters for spacing, but all of them either get trimmed or hide the rest of the text).  Additionally, you can use special alt characters for some formatting (quotes, bullets, etc.).  If you don't have a keyboard with a keypad to type the special characters, you can open up word, insert a symbol into the document and copy and paste it over using the Control+C and Control+V keyboard shortcuts.

The only downside to this method is that only 512 characters will show up on Windows 2000 machines, but if you are still on Windows 2000, then I would strongly encourage you to update to a later operating system.

3 thoughts on “Styling the Windows welcome screen (Interactive Logon)

    1. Jack Post author

      Could you please post what the resolution was for everyone else that doesn't have an experts exchange account?


  1. Imissyoudearly

    One the domain controller navigate to \\(DCname)\sysvol\(DomainName)\Policies\{GroupPolicyID)\Machine\Microsoft\Windows NT\SecEdit and edit the GptTmpl.inf file

    Wherever you want to break the line and leave an empty space you need to end the sentence with a comma then type " " and then another comma to start the next sentence. If you edit the GPO through GP edit the changes will be reverted.
    Edit the GptTmpl.inf file like this:
    The big red dog," ", jumps very high.

    and the text on the welcome screen will look like this:
    The big red dog

    jumps very high


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